From the iconic skyline and streets of New York City to the rolling hills and manufacturing hubs of the Hudson Valley, New York provides the ideal environment for climate tech innovators to bring their visions to life. In New York City alone over the last four years, $3.5B has been invested in climate tech and nearly 160 climate startups have received venture capital funding. New York’s Climate Act, New York City’s Clean Building Law, and New York City's 3 Climate Hubs are added catalysts to accelerating climate action and deployment.

We collectively (and urgently) need to move faster on climate issues though, and our ambition for New York is ever greater.

To date, the resources and tools to build a climate tech company in New York have been fragmented, to the frustration of founders.

As a group of investors and government leaders—including NYCEDC, Vita Vera Ventures, Streetlife Ventures, Segal Ventures, SOSV / IndieBio, and more—we aim to help climate tech founders navigate this rich ecosystem and find the support they need. We hope this guide helps you build and grow your company within New York, faster and more successfully for people, the planet, and business.

How to use this guide

The Guide

Corp+Research partners200.png

Pilot & Research Partners


Accelerators & Incubators

Talent + Jobs200.png

Talent & Job Opportunities

tax incentives200.png

Tax Incentives


Non-Dilutive Funding



Startup Services200.png

Start-Up Services



Rental Space200.png

Rental Space

How to be listed in this guide

Thank you

And, special thanks to the co-authors of this guide, who are working to build an even better New York for climate founders as part of our life (and work) mission.